School Cash Online
At Aberdeen Elementary, we are a cash free school. This means that there will be little to no cash being brought into the school for fieldtrips, fundraisers, school spirit wear, etc. In order to do this, we are using School Cash Online. Please sign up for a School Cash Online account so that you can pay for fieldtrips, planners, or other items online.
This will limit the amount of cash being brought into the school, reduce paperwork, and free up time for our school staff to focus on the important aspect of school: educating our students. It will improve efficiency and transparency in school fee management.
Thank you for your support in helping Aberdeen Elementary become a 'cash free' school.
Please go to the link below for assistance in setting up a School Cash Online account for your child(ren).
WEBSITE: https://abbotsford.schoolcashonline.com
HELP GUIDE: School Cash Online - Account Registration Information
HELP GUIDE: School Cash Online - Punjabi