Weather Closures
Closure of Schools for Extreme Weather
On occasion, it is necessary to temporarily close a school when weather conditions might endanger the health and safety of students only. The Superintendent of Schools has authority on behalf of the Board, to temporarily close a school.
If parents believe the local conditions are unsafe, they should keep their child at home or arrange for their early dismissal.
The school board office has an automated phone service that calls everyone's house in the event of urgent information and emergency news that need to get to parents.
Please DO NOT CALL the school questioning if there is school. You will receive an automated phone call if school is cancelled. Families can also check for updates on the School District website at abbyschools.ca and on the AbbySchools App.
Announcements will be made on our local radio station, STAR FM 98.3, Country 107.1 FM, Punjabi Radio 1550 AM or most local news TV stations.