Illness & Medical Guidelines
Sick Child
- In fairness to all, children should not be sent to school if there are definite signs of ill health in the morning.
- If a child is too sick to go out at recess and lunch they are too sick to be at school.
- Sick children need to stay home until they are feeling better. We have neither the facilities nor the personnel to care for sick children.
- Good health is necessary for effective learning. Students who are ill should receive proper medical attention and should not attend school until their health has improved.
Parent are asked to please call the school or log an absence online every time your child is absent. Please log this absence as soon as possible. We will contact families that have not logged an absence to ensure each child is safe each day. Thank you for doing your part to make sure that all students are safe and accounted for at school.
Illness or injury at school
- Students who become ill during the day are to inform their teacher. Our policy is to get students who are ill, home as soon as possible.
Our practice will be to call parents and ask that the student be picked up as soon as possible. If a parent is unable to come immediately, the parent must make an alternative arrangement. For this reason, it is important that parents keep work and emergency phone numbers current.
Medical Conditions
If your child has been identified with any type of serious medical condition with supportive medical documentation (such as Anaphylaxis, Diabetes, Epilepsy, bee allergies) please let the school office know (as per School District Policy AP 327 – Medical Alert Condition).
Medication for Students
On occasion we have been asked by a parent to ensure their child receives emergency medication. Please be aware that in order to do so, we require the completion of the AP 328-1 Request for Administration of Medication at School Form, by the prescribing Physician.
Nut Free
As we have several students at the school with nut allergies, we have made our school Nut-Free. Thank you for keeping all the students at Aberdeen safe.
Scent Aware
- We have many students and staff that are sensitive to scent. Please refrain from wearing scents to school that are overpowering that may affect the well-being and learning of others. Thank you for your attention to this matter.